All Courses Archive
Course Archive: All Courses
- ARAB 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar
- ARAB 201: Elementary Standard Arabic I
- ARAB 202: Elementary Standard Arabic II
- ARAB 210: Colloquial Arabic I
- ARAB 211: Colloquial Arabic II
- ARAB 403: Intermediate Standard Arabic I
- ARAB 404: Intermediate Standard Arabic II
- ARAB 405: Advanced Standard Arabic I
- ARAB 406: Advanced Standard Arabic II
- ARAB 407: Topics in Standard Arabic Lang. & Lit. I
- ARAB 408: Topics in Standard Arabic Lang. & Lit. II
- ARAB 409: Advanced Topics Standard Arabic Lang. & Lit. I
- ARAB 410: Advanced Topics in Standard Arabic Lang. & Lit. II
- ARAB 412: Business Arabic
- ARAB 413: Arabic-English Translation
Greek (Koine and Classical Greek)
- GRK 101: Elementary Greek I
- GRK 192: Elementary Greek II
- GRK 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar
- GRK 201: Classical & Koine Greek I
- GRK 202: Classical & Koine Greek II
- GRK 251: Elementary Modern Greek I (same as GRKM 201)
- GRK 252: Elementary Modern Greek II (same as GRKM 202)
- GRK 403: Intermediate Modern Greek I (same as GRKM 403)
- GRK 404: Intermediate Modern Greek II (same as GRKM 404)
Greek (Modern)
- GRKM 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar
- GRKM 201: Elementary Modern Greek I (same as GRK 251)
- GRKM 202: Elementary Modern Greek II (same as GRK 252)
- GRKM 403: Intermediate Modern Greek I (same as GRK 403)
- GRKM 404: Intermediate Modern Greek II (same as GRK 404)
- GRKM 453: Modern Advanced Greek I
- GRKM 454: Advanced Modern Greek II
- HEBR 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar
- HEBR 201: Elementary Modern Hebrew I
- HEBR 202: Elementary Modern Hebrew II
- HEBR 205: Introduction to Classical Hebrew I
- HEBR 403: Intermediate Modern Hebrew I
- HEBR 404: Intermediate Modern Hebrew II
- HEBR 405: Advanced Modern Hebrew I
- HEBR 406: Advanced Modern Hebrew II
- HEBR 407: Topics in Modern Hebrew Lang. & Lit. I
- HEBR 408: Topics in Modern Hebrew Lang. & Lit. II
- HEBR 414: Advanced Biblical Hebrew
- HNDI 115: Language and Culture in India
- HNDI 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar
- HNDI 201: Elementary Hindi-Urdu I
- HNDI 202: Elementary Hindi-Urdu II
- HNDI 403: Intermediate Hindi I
- HNDI 404: Intermediate Hindi II
- HNDI 405: Advanced Hindi I
- HNDI 406: Advanced Hindi II
- HNDI 408: Introduction to South Asian Literature
- HNDI 412: Business Hindi
- PERS 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar
- PERS 201: Elementary Persian I
- PERS 202: Elementary Persian II
- PERS 403: Intermediate Persian I
- PERS 404: Intermediate Persian II
- PERS 454: Advanced Persian II
- LING 404: Advanced Persian I (same as PERS 453)
- LING 404: Advanced Persian II
- SNSK 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar
- SNSK 201: Elementary Sanskrit I
- SNSK 202: Elementary Sanskrit II
- SNSK 403: Readings in Sanskrit I (same as RLST 412)
- SNSK 404: Readings in Sanskrit II (same as RLST 413)
- TURK 201: Elementary Turkish
- TURK 202: Elementary Turkish II
- TURK 403: Intermediate Turkish I
- TURK 404: Intermediate Turkish II
- TURK 405: Advanced Turkish I
- TURK 406: Advanced Turkish II
- TURK 490: Special Topics in Turkish
NOTE: Students with more advanced Turkish may also enroll and will have an individualized program of study. For information contact the Russian and East European Center at
Non-Language Courses
* Only particular sections are topically appropriate and are consequently subject to advisor's approval.
- AAS 100: Introduction to Asian-American Studies (SA)
- AAS 100: Introduction to Asian-American Studies (SA)
- AAS 258: Muslims in America (ME/SA)
- AAS 284: Advanced Topics in Asian American (SA) *
- AAS 286: Asian American Literature (same as ENGL 286) (SA)
- AAS 291: Hinduism in the United States (same as RLST 291) (SA)
- AAS 397: Asian Families in America (same as HDFS 321 & SOCW 397) (SA)
- ACE 251: The World Food Economy (ME)
- ACE 451: Agriculture in International Development (ME)
- ACE 455: International Trade in Food and Agriculture (SA)
- AFST 213: African Muslim Cultures (same as HIST 213 and REL 215) (ME)
- AFST 437: Egypt Since World War I (same as HIST 338) (ME)
- ANTH 103: Anthro in a Changing World (ME/SA)
- ANTH 105: World Archaeology (ME)
- ANTH 107: Archaeology of Ancient Egypt (ME)
- ANTH 130: History of South Asia (same as HIST 130) (SA)
- ANTH 188: Ethnic Wars and Globalization (same as GLBL 188) (ME)
- ANTH 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar (ME/SA) *
- ANTH 230: Sociocultural Anthropology (ME/SA)
- ANTH 260: World Ethnography (ME)
- ANTH 266: African Film & Society (ME)
- ANTH 275: The World of Jewish Sepharad (same as HIST 267, RLST 275) (ME)
- ANTH 290: Jewish Cultures of the World (ME/SA)
- ANTH 402: Transnational Islam, Europe-US (same as ASST 402, RLST 409)
- ANTH 403: Women in Muslim Societies (same as GLBL 403, GWS 403, HIST 434, RLST 403, and SAME 403) (ME)
- ANTH 416: Anthropology of Music (ME) *
- ANTH 417: Area Studies Ethnomsicology (same as MUS 417) (SA) *
- ARAB 150: Language and Culture of the Arab World (same as SAME 150) (ME)
- ARAB 490: Readings in Advanced Arabic (ME)
- ARCH 314: History of World Landscapes (same as LA 314) (ME)
- ARCH 403: Spec Topics in Arch History: Islamic Architecture (ME)
- ARCH 410: Ancient Architecture (ME)
- ARCH 411: Early Byzantine Architecture (ME)
- ARCH 511: Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Architecture (ME) *
- ARCH 577: Theory of Architecture (ME/SA) *
- ARCH 591: Spec Prob Arch Hist & Pres: Memory and Architecture or interactions: Cultures Across the Mediterranean (ME)
- ARTH 111: Ancient and Medieval Art (same as MDVL 111) (ME)
- ARTH 310: African Art and Society I (ME)
- ARTH 311: African Art and Society II (ME)
- ARTH 421: Early Medieval Art (same as MDVL 421) (ME)
- ARTH 447: France and Its Others (ME) *
- ARTH 522: Study in Medieval Art (ME) *
- ARTH 540: Seminar in Art 1750 - 1900 (ME) *
- ASST 104: Asian Mythology (same as RLST 104) (SA)
- ASST 208: Literatures and Cultures of South Asia (same as CWL 208, RLST 208, SAME 208) (SA)
- ASST 218: South Asian Cultural Landscapes (same as LA 218) (SA)
- ASST 346: Government and Politics of South Asia (same as PS 346) (SA)
- ASST 347: Government and Politics of the Middle East (same as PS 347) (ME)
- ASST 398: Colloquium in Asian Studies (SA) *
- ASST 402: Transnational Islam, Europe-US (same as ANTH 402, RLST 409) (ME)
- BADM 532: Sustainable Prod. for Subsistence (SA)
- BADM 533: Sustainable Prod. and Business Plans (SA)
- CI 402: Teaching Diverse Middle School Students (SA)
- CI 403: Teaching Diverse High School Students (SA)
- CINE 262: Survey of World Cinema II (ME)
- CLCV 100: Vocabulary Building--Greek and Latin Roots (ME)
- CLCV 102: Medical Terms--Greek and Latin Roots (ME)
- CLCV 111: Mythology of Greece and Rome (ME)
- CLCV 115: Mythology of Greece and Rome (ME)
- CLCV 120: The Classical Tradition (ME)
- CLCV 131: Classical Archaeology, Greece (ME)
- CLCV 160: Ancient Greek and Roman Religion (ME)
- CLCV 206: Classical Allusions in Cinema (ME)
- CLCV 222: The Tragic Spirit (ME)
- CLCV 223: Myth, History, Fiction, Tradition (ME)
- CLCV 225: Greco-Roman Democracy, Economics, Culture (ME)
- CLCV 226: Cyprus: History and Sources (ME)
- CLCV 240: Sex And Gender In Classical Antiquity (same as CWL 262, GWS 240) (ME)
- CLCV 491: North Africa from Prehistory to the Arab Spring (same as ANTH 499)
- CMN 389: International Communications (ME)
- CPSC 116: The Global Food Production Web (ME/SA)
- CWL 111: Bible as Literature (same as ENGL 114, RLST 101) (ME)
- CWL 112: Literature of Global Culture (same as ENGL 112) (ME/SA)
- CWL 114: Global Consciousness and Literature (ME)
- CWL 151: Cross-Cultural Thematics (SA)
- CWL 189: Literatures of the Islamic World (ME/SA)
- CWL 190: Lit of Asia & Africa II (ME/SA)
- CWL 205: Islam & West Through Literature (ME)
- CWL 207: Indian Cinema in Context (SA)
- CWL 208: Introduction to the Literatures and Cultures of South Asia (same as ASST 208, RLST 208, SAME 208) (SA)
- CWL 211: War and Peace in Israeli Literature (same as JS 211 and SAME 211) (ME)
- CWL 221: Jewish Storytelling (same as ENGL 223 & RLST 220 & YDSH 220) (ME)
- CWL 223: The Qur'an (same as RLST 223 and SAME 223) (ME/SA)
- CWL 253: Medieval Lit and Culture (same as ENGL 202 & MDVL 201) (ME)
- CWL 262: Sex And Gender In Classical Antiquity (same as CLCV 240, GWS 240) (ME)
- CWL 271: The Holocaust in Context (same as ENGL 268 & GER 260) (ME)
- CWL 283: Jewish Sacred Literature (same as RLST 283) (ME)
- CWL 284: Modern Jewish Literature (same as ENGL 284, RLST 284) (ME)
- CWL 320: Lit Responses to the Holocaust (same as ENGL 359 & RLST 320 & YDSH 320) (ME)
- CWL 350: South Asian Goddesses (same as RLST 350 & SAME 350) (SA)
- CWL 395: Special Topics Comparative Literature *
- CWL 421: Jewish Life Writing (same as HIST 436, RLST 420, SLAV 420, and YDSH 420) (ME)
- CWL 434: Studies in Francophonie (same as FR 479) (ME) *
- CWL 461: The Rise of the Arab-American Novel (ME)
- CWL 471: International Literature Relations *
- CWL 496: Special Topics in Comp Lit II (same as REL 494) (ME)
- CWL 551: Seminar Literature Movement *
- CWL 561: Seminar Genres (The 'Oriental" on the European Stage from Shakespeare to Voltaire; same as FR 572)
- CWL 571: Seminar in Literary Relations (same as ENGL 581) (ME)
- CWL 581: Seminar Lit Themes (Borders) (ME)
- EALC 287: Introduction to Buddhism (same as RLST 287) (SA)
- ECON 450: Development Economics (ME/SA) *
- ECON 490: Topics in Economics (Business and Economic Environment in the Middle East and North Africa)
- ECON 550: Economics of Development and Growth (ME/SA)
- ECON 551: Topics in Development Economics (ME) *
- ECON 552: Computable G E Modeling (ME) *
- ENGL 112: Literature of Global Culture
- ENGL 114: Bible as Literature (same as CWL 111, RLST 101) (ME)
- ENGL 202: Medieval Lit and Culture (same as CWL 253 & MDVL 201) (ME)
- ENGL 223: Jewish Storytelling (same as CWL 221 & RLST 220 & YDSH 220) (ME)
- ENGL 268: The Holocaust in Context (same as CWL 271 & GER 260) (ME)
- ENGL 274: Literature and Society *
- ENGL 283: Jewish Sacred Literature (same as RLST 283) (ME)
- ENGL 284: Modern Jewish Literature (same as CWL 284, RLST 284) (ME)
- ENGL 285: Postcolonial Literature in English (ME/SA)
- ENGL 286: Asian American Literature (same as AAS 286) (SA)
- ENGL 359: Lit Responses to the Holocaust (same as CWL 320 & RLST 320 & YDSH 320) (ME)
- ENGL 397: Honors Seminar II *
- ENGL 461: Topics in Literature (ME/SA) *
- ENGL 514: Seminar in Medieval Literature (ME) *
- ENGL 581: Seminar Literary Theory (same as CWL 571) (ME)
- EPS 413: Aesthetic Education
- EPS 530: Education and Globalization (ME) *
- EPS 533: Global Youth and Citizenship (ME)
- EPS 590: Advanced Graduate Seminar: Youth and Citizenship in a Digital Age (ME/SA)
- EPS 590: Advanced Graduate Seminar: Human Rights Education
- FAA 130: International Arts *
- FR 479: Studies in Francophonie (same as CWL 434) (ME) *
- GCL 146: Fundamental Causes of Disease: The HIV/AIDS Pandemic
- GEOG 101: Geography of Developing Countries (ME/SA)
- GEOG 110: Geography of Intl Conflicts (same as GLBL 110) (ME)
- GEOG 210: Contemporary Social & Env Problems (ME)
- GEOG 310: Political Geography (ME)
- GEOG 390: Individual Study (Geography of South Asia; SA)
- GEOG 410: Geography of Development and Underdevelopment (SA)
- GEOG 595: Advanced Studies in Geography (ME) *
- GER 260: The Holocaust in Context (same as CWL 271 & ENGL 268) (ME)
- GLBL 110: Geography of Intl Conflicts (same as GEOG 110) (ME)
- GLBL 188: Ethnic Wars and Globalization (same as ANTH 188) (ME)
- GLBL 201: Energy Systems (same as NPRE 210) (ME)
- GLBL 251: War, Military Institutions, and Society since 1851 (same as HIST 251) (ME)
- GLBL 267: Mathematic Issues in National Security (same as MATH 267) (ME)
- GLBL 280: Nuclear Weapons & Arms Control (same as PHYS 280) (ME)
- GLBL 283: Introduction to International Security (same as PS 283) (ME)
- GLBL 296: Global Studies Foundation Seminar (ME) *
- GLBL 298: Global Studies Seminar Abroad (ME) *
- GLBL 356: Comparative Political Economy (same as PS 356) (ME)
- GLBL 357: Ethnic Conflict (same as PS 357) (ME)
- GLBL 385: The Ethics of War and Peace (same as PHIL 385, RLST 385) (ME) *
- GLBL 403: Women in Muslim Societies (same as ANTH 403, GWS 403, HIST 434, RLST 403, and SAME 403) (ME/SA)
- GLBL 480: Topics in Energy Security (same as NPRE 480) *
- GLBL 481: WrittingSeminar onTechnology and Security (same as NPRE 481) (ME)
- GLBL 482: Military and Civilian Uses of Nuclear Energy (same as NPRE 482) (ME)
- GLBL 483: Seminar on Security (same as NPRE 483) (ME) *
- GWS 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar *
- GWS 240: Sex And Gender In Classical Antiquity (same as CLCV 240, CWL 262) (ME)
- GWS 261: Gender in Transnational Perspective (same as SOC 261) (ME/SA)
- GWS 403: Women in Muslim Societies (same as ANTH 403, GLBL 403, HIST 434, RLST 403, and SAME 403) (ME/SA)
- GWS 485: The Politics of Fashion (ME)
- GWS 490: Individual Study *
- GWS 512: Gender Relations and International Development (ME/SA)
- GWS 590: Topics in GWS *
- HCD 595: Seminar *
- HDFS 321: Asian Families in America (same as AAS 397 & SOCW 397) (SA)
- HIST 100: Global History (ME/SA)
- HIST 110: History of Africa (ME)
- HIST 130: History of South Asia (same as ANTH 130) (SA)
- HIST 133: Intro to the World of Islam (same as SAME 133) (ME)
- HIST 135: History of Islamic Middle East (ME)
- HIST 168: A History of Judaism (ME)
- HIST 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar *
- HIST 200: Introduction to Historical Interpretation *
- HIST 210: History of North and West Africa (ME)
- HIST 213: African Muslim Cultures (ME)
- HIST 241: History of Ancient Rome (ME)
- HIST 252: The Holocaust (ME)
- HIST 258: Contemporary Politics Ideology (ME)
- HIST 259: 20th C. World from Midcentury (ME)
- HIST 267: The World of Jewish Sepharad (same as ANTH 275, RLST 275) (ME)
- HIST 268: Jewish History to 1700 (same as RLST 268) (ME)
- HIST 269: Modern Jewish History from c. 1700 to the Present (ME)
- HIST 291: History of the Bible (same as RLST 203) (ME)
- HIST 335: Middle East 1566-1914 (ME)
- HIST 337: The Middle East in the 20th Century (ME)
- HIST 338: Egypt Since World War I (same as AFST 437) (ME)
- HIST 345: Medieval Civilization (same as MDVL 345 and RLST 345) (ME)
- HIST 352: Europe in the World since 1750 (ME)
- HIST 396: Special Topics * (Modern Iran) (Palestinian History)
- HIST 413: The Horn of Africa (ME)
- HIST 430: India from Colony to Nation (SA)
- HIST 432: History of Early Judaism (same as RLST 442) (ME)
- HIST 433: History of Jews in Diaspora (same as RLST 434) (ME)
- HIST 434: Women in Muslim Societies (Same as ANTH 403, GLBL 403, GWS 403, RLST 403, and SAME 403) (ME/SA)
- HIST 436: Jewish Life-Writing: From Enlightenment to Post-Holocaust (CWL 421, RLST 420, SLAV 420, YDSH 420) (ME)
- HIST 437: Middle East in 20th Century (ME)
- HIST 439: The Ottoman Empire (ME)
- HIST 441: The Roman Empire (ME)
- HIST 442: Roman Law and Legal Tradition (ME)
- HIST 443 Byzantine Empire AD 284-717) (ME)
- HIST 458: Christians and Jews 1099-1789 (same as RLST 458) (ME)
- HIST 466: Southeastern Europe (ME)
- HIST 498: Research and Writing Seminar (ME/SA) * (Empires: Mongols, Mughals, and Ottomans)
- HIST 502: Problems in Comparative History *
- HIST 503: Problems in Comparative Women's History *
- HIST 510: Problems in African History (ME) *
- HIST 511: Seminar in African History (ME) *
- HIST 535: Problems in Middle Eastern History (ME)
- HIST 536: Seminar in Middle Eastern History (ME)
- HIST 551: Problems in European History Since 1789 (ME) *
- HIST 597: Reading Course *
- HIST 598: Teaching of College History (ME/SA) *
- HNDI 408: Introduction to South Asian Literature (SA)
- INFO 490: Social Media & Global Change (online) (same as LIS 490 & REES 496/596)
- ITAL 390/510: Special Topics in Italian Studies
- JOUR 470: International Reporting (ME/SA)
- JS 211: War and Peace in Israeli Literature (same as CWL 211 and SAME 211) (ME)
- JS 501: Graduate Introduction to Jewish Culture (ME)
- LA 212: Water and Society (ME)
- LA 218: South Asian Cultural Landscapes (same as ASST 218) (SA)
- LA 222: Islamic Gardens and Architecture (ME)
- LA 314: History of World Landscapes (ME) *
- LA 513: History of World Landscapes (ME) *
- LA 593: Islamic and South Asian Landscapes (ME/SA)
- LA 594: Cultural Heritage Landscapes (ME)
- LAW 656: International Law (ME)
- LAW 657: International Human Rights Law (ME)
- LAW 792M: The Consitituional Law of US Foreign Affairs (ME/SA)
- LAW 796: Comparative Law Topics (ME) *
- LAW 798: Seminar - Globalization (ME) *
- LING 111: Language in Globalization (ME)
- LING 115: Language and Culture in India (same as RLST 115) (SA)
- LING 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar *
- LING 210: Language History (ME)
- LING 240: Language in Human History (SA)
- LING 403: Advanced Persian I
- LING 404: Advanced Persian II
- LING 411: Survey of Arabic Varieties (ME)
- LING 418: Language and Minorities in Europe (ME/SA)
- LING 429: Language of Religion (same as RLST 429) (SA)
- LING 469: Structure of Semitic Languages (ME)
- LING 516: Field Methods (ME)
- LING 555: Sociolinguistics of World Englishes (SA)
- LING 581: Topics in Syntactic Theory (ME) *
- LIS 490: Advanced Topics in Info Studies
- LIS 530M: Bibliography of Africa (ME)
- MACS 207: Indian Cinema in Context (SA)
- MATH 267: Mathematical Issues in National Security I (same as GLBL 267) (ME)
- MATH 490: Advanced Topics in Mathematics (ME)
- MBA 505: Topics in Management (SA)*
- MDIA 590: Special Topics (Satyajit Ray and Indian Cinema) (same as CWL 461) (SA)
- MDVL 111: Ancient and Medieval Art (same as ARTH 111) (ME)
- MDVL 201: Medieval Lit and Culture (same as CWL 253 & ENGL 202) (ME)
- MDVL 222: Medieval Art (ME)
- MDVL 322: Byzantine Art (same as ARTH 322) (ME)
- MDVL 345: Medieval Civilization (same as RLST 345 and HIST 345) (ME)
- MDVL 421: Early Medieval Art (same as ARTH 421) (ME)
- MDVL 440: Early Christian Thought (same as RLST 440) (ME)
- MS 389: International Communications (same as PS 389) (ME)
- MUS 110: Intro Art Music: International Perspective (ME)
- MUS 133: Introduction to World Music (ME)
- MUS 252/450: Balkan Music Ensemble (ME/SA)
- MUS 410: Ancient and Medieval Music (ME) *
- MUS 416: Anthropology of Music (same as ANTH 416) (ME) *
- MUS 417: Area Studies Ethnomusicology (ME) *
- MUS 418: Regional Studies in Ethnomusicology (Arab Music of the Eastern Mediterranean; ME)
- MUS 450: Advanced Ensemble Music (ME) *
- NPRE 201: Energy Systems (ME)
- NPRE 480: Topics in Energy Security (same as GLBL 480) *
- NPRE 481: Writing Seminar on Technology & Security (same as GLBL 481) (ME)
- NPRE 482: Military and Civilian Uses of Nuclear Energy (same as GLBL 482) (ME)
- NPRE 483: Seminar on Security (same as GLBL 483) (ME) *
- PHIL 110: World Religions (same as RLST 110) (ME/SA)
- PHYS 280: Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control (same as GLBL 280) (ME)
- PS 152: The New Middle East (same as SAME 152 and SOC 152)
- PS 241: Comparative Politics in Developing Nations *
- PS 280: Intro to Intl Relations (ME)
- PS 281: Intro to Intl Relations - ACP (ME)
- PS 282: Governing Globalization (ME)
- PS 283: Introduction to International Security (same as GLBL 283) (ME)
- PS 341: Government and Politics of Africa (ME) *
- PS 346: Government and Politics of South Asia (same as ASST 346) (SA)
- PS 347: Government and Politics of the Middle East (same as ASST 347) (ME)
- PS 351: Government and Politics of Post-Soviet States (ME)
- PS 356: Comparative Political Economy (GLBL 356) (ME)
- PS 357: Ethnic Conflict (same as GLBL 357) (ME)
- PS 381: International Conflict (ME)
- PS 386: International Law (ME)
- PS 389: International Communications (same as MACS 389) (ME)
- PS 391: Soviet and Post-Soviet Foreign Policy (ME)
- PS 408: Islam and Politics in Middle-East (same as RLST 408 and SAME 408) (ME)
- PS 480: Topics in Energy Security (same as GLBL 480, NPRE 480) (ME)
- PS 499: Special Topics (ME) *
- REES 496/596: Social Media & Global Change (online) (same as LIS 490 & INFO 490)
- REL 101: Bible as Literature (same as CWL 111, ENGL 114) (ME)
- REL 104: Asian Mythology (same as ASST 104) (SA)
- REL 106: Archaeology and the Bible (ME)
- REL 110: World Religions (same as PHIL 110) (ME/SA)
- REL 115: Language and Culture in India (same as LING 115) (SA)
- REL 120: A History of Judaism (same as HIST 168) (ME)
- REL 121: Introduction to Christianity (ME) *
- REL 130: Jewish Customs and Ceremonies (ME)
- REL 160: Ancient Greek and Roman Religion (same as CLCV 160) (ME)
- REL 199: The Bible Through the Ages (Literature of Asia and Africa) (ME/SA)
- REL 201: Hebrew Bible in English (ME)
- REL 202: New Testament in English (ME)
- REL 203: History of the Bible (same as HIST 291) (ME)
- REL 208: Literatures and Cultures of South Asia (same as ASST 208, CWL 208, SAME 208) (SA)
- REL 213: Introduction to Islam, Advanced Composition (same as SAME 213) (ME/SA)
- REL 214: Introduction to Islam (same as SAME 213) (ME/SA)
- REL 215: African Muslim Cultures (same as HIST 213) (ME)
- REL 220: Jewish Storytelling (same as CWL 221 & ENGL 223 & YDSH 220) (ME)
- REL 223: The Qur'an (same as CWL 223 and SAME 223) (ME/SA)
- REL 242: Holocaust Religious Response (ME)
- REL 260: Mystics and Saints in Islam (same as SAME 260) (ME/SA)
- REL 268: Jewish History to 1700 (same as HIST 268) (ME)
- REL 269: Jewish History since 1700 (same as HIST 269) (ME)
- REL 275: The World of Jewish Sepharad (same as ANTH 275, HIST 267) (ME)
- REL 283: Jewish Sacred Literature (same as CWL 283) (ME)
- REL 284: Modern Jewish Literature (same as CWL 284 and ENGL 284) (ME)
- REL 286: Introduction to Hinduism (SA)
- REL 287: Introduction to Buddism (same as EALC 287) (SA)
- REL 291: Hinduism in the United States (same as AAS 291) (SA)
- REL 320: Lit Responses to the Holocaust (same as CWL 320 & ENGL 359 & YDSH 320) (ME)
- REL 342/343: Islamic Philosophy (ME)
- REL 345: Medieval Civilization (MDVL 345 and HIST 345) (ME)
- REL 350: South Asian Goddesses (same as CWL 350 & SAME 350) (SA)
- REL 401: Gender and Hinduism (SA)
- REL 402: Gender in Hinduism (same as SAME 410) (SA)
- REL 403: Women in Muslim Societies (Same as ANTH 403, GLBL 403, GWS 403, HIST 434 and SAME 403) (ME/SA)
- REL 408: Islam and Politiacs in Middle-East (same as PS 408 and SAME 408) (ME/SA)
- REL 409: Transnational Islam, Europe-US (same as ANTH 402, ASST 402) (ME)
- REL 410: Islam in Egypt (ME)
- REL 415: Intro Readings of the Talmud (ME)
- REL 416: Readings in Rabbinic Midrash (ME)
- REL 420: Jewish Life Writing: From Enlightenment to Post-Holocaust (same as CWL 421, HIST 436, SLAV 420, and YDSH 420) (ME)
- REL 429: Language of Religion (same as LING 429) (SA)
- REL 434: History of Jews in Diaspora (same as HIST 433) (ME)
- REL 440: Early Christian Thought (same as MDVL 440) (ME)
- REL 442: History of Early Judaism (same as HIST 432) (ME)
- REL 443: Ancient Near Eastern Cultures (ME)
- REL 458: Christians and Jews 1099-1789 (same as HIST 458) (ME)
- REL 468: Religions of Africa (ME)
- REL 480: Islamic Law (ME/SA)
- REL 481: Muslim Ethics in a Global Age (same as SAME 481) (ME)
- REL 482: Muslim-Christian Interactions (ME)
- REL 483: Salvation in Islamic Thought (ME)
- REL 484: Buddhist Meditation (SA)
- REL 494: Topics in Religious Thought (ME) *
- REL 495: Topics in Asian Religions (SA) *
- REL 496: Topics in History of Judaism (ME) *
- REL 498: Topics in Biblical Studies (ME) *
- REL 514: Islamic Theology (same as SAME 514) (ME)
- REL 520: Hindu Pilgrimage, Power and Place (same as SAME 520) (SA)
- REL 564: Global Religions and Politics) (same as SAME 564 and SOC 564) (ME)
- REL 567: Mahayana Buddhism (SA)
- RLST 104: Asian Mythology (same as ASST 104) (SA)
- RLST 110: World Religions (same as PHIL 110) (ME/SA)
- RLST 160: Ancient Greek and Roman Religion (same as CLCV 160) (ME)
- RLST 199: Undergraduate Open (ME/SA)*
- RLST 214: Introduction to Islam (same as SAME 213) (ME/SA)
- RLST 223: The Qur'an (same as CWL 223 and SAME 223) (ME/SA)
- RLST 440: Early Christian Thought (same as MDVL 440) (ME)
- RLST 494: Topics in Religious Thought (ME) *
- RLST 496: Topics in History of Judaism (ME) *
- RLST 498: Topics in Biblical Studies (ME) *
- RSOC 443: Social Change in Developing Areas (same as SOC 463) (ME)
- SAME 133: Introduction to World of Islam (ME) *
- SAME 150: Language and Culture of the Arab World (same as ARAB 150) (ME)
- SAME 152: The New Middle East (same as PS 152 and SOC 152)
- SAME 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar (SA/ME)
- SAME 208: Lits & Cultures of South Asia (same as ASST 208, CWL 208, RLST 208) (SA)
- SAME 211: War and Peace in Israeli Literature (same as CWL 211 and JS 211) (ME)
- SAME 213: Introduction to Islam (same as RLST 213) (ME/SA)
- SAME 214: Introduction to Islam (same as RLST 213) (ME/SA)
- SAME 223: The Qur'an (same as CWL 223 and RLST 223) (ME/SA)
- SAME 260: Mystics and Saints in Islam (same as RLST 260) (ME/SA)
- SAME 350: South Asian Goddesses (same as CWL 350 & RLST 350) (SA)
- SAME 403: Women in Muslim Societies (Same as ANTH 403, GLBL 403, GWS 403, HIST 434, and RLST 403) (ME/SA)
- SAME 408: Islam and Politics in Middle-East (same as PS 408 and RLST 408) (ME)
- SAME 481: Muslim Ethics in a Global Age (same as RLST 481) (ME)
- SAME 490: Middle Eastern Societies and Cultures (meets with SOC 483) (ME)
- SAME 514: Islamic Theology (same as RLST 514) (ME)
- SAME 520: Hindu Pilgrimage, Power and Place (same as SAME 520) (SA)
- SAME 564: Global Religions and Politics (same as RLST 564 and SOC 564) (ME)
- SOC 152: The New Middle East (same as PS 152 and SAME 152)
- SOC 160: Global Inequality & Social Change (ME)
- SOC 196: Issues in Sociology (ME) *
- SOC 261: Gender in Transnational Perspective (same as GWS 261) *
- SOC 364: Impacts of Globalization (ME)
- SOC 367: Globalization Dynamics Debates (ME) *
- SOC 463: Social Change in Developing Areas (same as RSOC 443) (ME)
- SOC 465: Empire and War (ME)
- SOC 467: Power and Empowerment (ME)
- SOC 470: Social Movements (ME)
- SOC 471: Collective Actions and Revolutions
- SOC 483: Middle Eastern Societies and Cultures (ME)
- SOC 496: Middle Eastern Societies and Cultures
- SOC 560: Globalization Dynamics Debates (ME) *
- SOC 562: Seminar in Transnational Studies (ME)*
- SOC 564: Global Religions and Politics (same as RLST 564 and SAME 564) (ME)
- SOC 565: Megacities of Global South
- SOCW 397: Asian Families in America (same as AAS 397 & HDFS 321) (SA)
- SPAN 465: International Lit Relations: Spain and the Modern Arab World: 1492-2015 (same as CWL 471) (ME)
- TURK 490: Language, Culture, and Identity in Modern Turkey (ME)
- UP 185: Cities in Global Perspective (ME)
- UP 423: Introduction to International Planning (ME)
- UP 494: Special Topics in Planning (ME) *
- UP 521: International Planning Seminar (ME)
- YDSH 220: Jewish Storytelling (same as CWL 221 & ENGL 223 & RLST 220) (ME)
- YDSH 320: Lit Responses to the Holocaust (same as CWL 320 & ENGL 359 & RLST 320) (ME)
- YDSH 420: Jewish Life Writing: From Enlightenment to Post-Holocaust (same as CWL 421, HIST 436, SLAV 420, and RLST 420) (ME)